Timber Engineering Europe  -  [ EN]

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Leave a messageThere is an elegance and sharpness to it that is captivating.It is our great honor to offer a a series of Replica Rolex for you. Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you with anything you need. Good-quality Rolex Replica are thus, an analogy of admirable workmanship, in agree...

Baransu  -  [ SP]

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Preguntas frecuentes | Arquitectura Biopasiva Baransu C/ Abendaño 35 | 01008 | Vitoria-Gasteiz Email: Teléfono: (+34) 945 141 768 Toggle navigation Sistema Constructivo Bioconstrucción Geobiología Casas Pasivas Estructura de madera Criterios técnicos Objetivos instituto Passivhau...


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Nuestras casas de madera y casas prefabricadas de entramado ligero tipo obra se caracterizan por su calidad, un cuidado sistema constructivo, sus acabados y un precio competitivo.