ログトラスト (Log Trust)

ログトラスト (Log Trust Co., Ltd.) is a log house builder based in Miyagi Prefecture, specializing in various types of log house construction including machine-cut log houses, timber frame houses, post & beam construction, and hand-cut log houses.
They also offer mini log houses and tiny houses, catering to the growing trend in compact and efficient living spaces. Log Trust is active in several regions, including Miyagi, Sendai, Osaka, Fukushima, Yamagata, and Iwate.

They have a strong focus on custom-designed log homes, providing personalized design and construction services to meet individual client needs.
This approach allows them to create unique log houses that are tailored to specific preferences and requirements. In addition to construction, they also assist with land selection, importing materials from overseas, and after-sales maintenance services like exterior painting. 
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