Log Cabin UK   
  • Designer/ Architect of Log Homes

Matches: Country, status

Строительство домов во Владимире, Владимирской области, центральном регионе, коттеджи из кирпича, газобетона , пеноблоков. Бани и дачи из бруса, бревна. Perheyritys Ollikainen toteuttaa modernit omakotitalot ja loma-asunnot. Suunnittelussa otamme asiakkaan toiveet aina huomioon ja lopputuloksen...

Log Homes Europe   
  • Designer/ Architect of Log Homes

Matches: Country, status

Log Homes Europe - we design, supply and erect luxury wood homes in Europe and the Middle East. From our excellent value smaller log houses to amazing Mountain log homes, Tree Houses or Beachfront log homes, all of our Log Houses are made from durable, laminated logs from sustainable sources. Use...