
Matches: Dump, remarks

on Facebook Load more SustainableProducts & Design You can put your trust in PSE for all your green.... Their review of these projects for both structural and seismic loading was excellent. P.S.E


Matches: Dump, remarks

the load is distributed to about 50% saddle to 50% lateral. This helps prevent logs from twisting and

Moose Creek Crossing    [EN]

Matches: Dump, description

, honeymoon, secluded and large group lodging, loaded with amenities: fully equipped kitchens, fireplaces

Finger Lakes Log Homes    [EN]

Matches: remarks

Since we usually deliver the kits on our own truck, care is taken to properly package and load materials so they arrive safely at your job site in good condition. Also, since our truck is much

Ekobrus    [EN]

Matches: remarks

with the loading group of D4 up to EN DIN 204.

The company “EkoBrus” also designs and builds houses


Matches: remarks

, pre-numbered, pre-drilled kits for you to build or use one of our experienced crews. We have container loading for international sales.


Matches: remarks

rods. Logs are held in place even after shrinkage and settling occurs with spring loaded rods. This

GRK Fasteners    [EN]

Matches: keywords

, tech data, Tek Point, Torx, tropical wood, truss, Twisty Screw Person, type 17, ultimate load

Kontio Log Homes USA    [EN]

#7accc8 Löydä parhaat hirsitalot, hirsimökit, hirsisaunat ja piharakennukset Kontiolta. Terveellinen ja ekologinen Kontio hirsitalo on koti, joka yhdistää tarpeesi ja elämäntyylisi sekä tarjoaa juuri sinulle parhaiten sopivan asumiskokemuksen. Tutustu Kontion moderneihin ja perinteisiin hirsirake...


#7accc8 Löydä parhaat hirsitalot, hirsimökit, hirsisaunat ja piharakennukset Kontiolta. Terveellinen ja ekologinen Kontio hirsitalo on koti, joka yhdistää tarpeesi ja elämäntyylisi sekä tarjoaa juuri sinulle parhaiten sopivan asumiskokemuksen. Tutustu Kontion moderneihin ja perinteisiin hirsirake...