Mustang Log and Timber Homes    [EN]

Matches: Dump, description

position of knowing firsthand the exceptional quality of product and customer service provided by

Waldmann Contruction    [EN]

Matches: Dump, remarks

that a successful project leaves a lasting positive influence on everyone involved. Creating unique one... project leaves a lasting positive influence on everyone involved. Creating unique one-of-a-kind


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Anthony Forest Products Company (AFP), headquartered in El Dorado, Arkansas, has made some dramatic changes to position itself for the twenty-first century. The generations of forest products

Evergreene Log Homes    [EN]

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Fine log homes begin with an understanding of wood. As artisans, we choose each log carefully for its position in your home. We read the grain, amount of taper, bow and size to use each log to its full potential.


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systems on the market. The positive feedback we've received has proven our success.


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Glued log houses are high technology products that improve on all the positive qualities that wood houses offer: strength, reliability, solid construction, sound and heat insulation. Houses

(株)寺口建設 (Teraguchi Construction)    [JP]

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operations that contribute positively to the regional society.

Latlaft    [EN]

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of customers is established, which are willing to share with their delight and give a positive


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on sustainable development goals (SDGs), striving to contribute positively to society through

株式会社Forest Crew (Forest Crew)    [JP]

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. has received positive reviews on Houzz, a renowned platform for home renovation and design