  • Double D-log (rounded on both sides)
 - no of visitors: 6,783

Matches: Country, wall type

Honka виробляє високоякісні зруби для органічного, здорового і екологічно чистого життя. Фінські зруби, дерев'яні будинки з клеєного брусу Хонка HONKA Honka supplies high-quality log homes for more organic and healthy living. Our houses are crafted from the finest wood, with over 60 years o...

Mammutti Hirsi   
  • Double D-log (rounded on both sides)
 - no of visitors: 2,262

Matches: Country, wall type

MammuttiHirsi International MammuttiHirsi International MammuttiHirsi International MammuttiHirsi International MammuttiHirsi International

Eurohonka Finland   
  • Double D-log (rounded on both sides)
 - no of visitors: 2,249

Matches: Country, wall type

Eurohonka Hirsitalot | Suunnittelemme ja valmistamme hirsitalot, hirsihuvilat, hirsimökit sekä puutalo talopaketit 40 vuoden kokemuksella koko Suomeen Euro Loghouses produces and designs high quality Finnish wood houses by laminated or massive logs. We produce also thermolog houses and prefabrica...

Honkarakenne Paltamo   
  • Double D-log (rounded on both sides)
 - no of visitors: 1,374

Matches: Country, wall type

In today’s busy world, log houses are an increasingly popular for more organic, healthy and ecological living. Get inspired and build your dream home! Onko haaveissasi persoonallinen hirsitalo, hirsimökki tai hirsihuvila? Unelmasi toteuttaa Honkarakenne.

Honkarakenne Lieksa   
  • Double D-log (rounded on both sides)
 - no of visitors: 1,079

Matches: Country, wall type

In today’s busy world, log houses are an increasingly popular for more organic, healthy and ecological living. Get inspired and build your dream home! Onko haaveissasi persoonallinen hirsitalo, hirsimökki tai hirsihuvila? Unelmasi toteuttaa Honkarakenne.